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Today, the President of Colombia opens the Pumarejo bridge constructed by Sacyr
20/12/2019The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, along with Pedro Sigüenza (Chief Executive Officer of Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure) and other figures from the political and business worlds, have opened today the new Pumarejo Bridge over the River Magdalena in Barranquilla (Colombia), which has been constructed by Sacyr.
With a span of 2,173 meters, it is one of Colombia’s longest cable-stayed bridges, and the cable-stayed bridge with the widest deck of any bridge in Latin America: 38.1 meters.
This is the first time the technologically advanced construction methods adopted by Sacyr have been used in the country. These include the use of the launching gantry method for the construction of the bridge, which has enabled the work to be carried out more efficiently and has reduced the timescales for construction.
This work for Invías [Colombia’s National Roads Institute], undertaken by Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure, will improve connections, and the navigability of the River Magdalena, by allowing higher tonnage vessels to pass through. Vessels with a height of up to 45 meters can pass beneath the bridge.
Pumarejo has two three-lane carriageways (each 2.25 kilometers in length), one kilometer of viaducts and access roads, 3.2 kilometers of pedestrian walkways, and 3.2 kilometers of cycle lanes. The length of the cable-stayed section is 800 meters, and the total length is 2,173 meters, making it the longest bridge of its type in Colombia.
Principal features:
- Length of the main bridge: 2,173 m.
- Width of the deck: 38.1 m.
- Length of the main cable-stayed span: 380 m.
- Reinforced steel: 33,000 tons (equivalent to the weight of 4.5 Eiffel Towers)
- Concrete: 48,900 m3 used in pile caps and stacks (equivalent to the volume of 20 Olympic swimming pools).
- Launching gantry: 1,400 tons.
- Height of the pylons: 133.5 m.
- Maximum navigation clearance: Height 45 m: Width 300 m.
- Total concrete: 181,295 m3
- Investment: 800 thousand million pesos (215 million euros).
A total of 5,600 jobs were generated during the four-year period of the project. At the peak of activity, the number of people working on the bridge reached 1,500. Almost 80% of the workers were from the local catchment area.
Sacyr has infrastructure projects under development in Colombia to a value of almost 3,000 million dollars. Among the most important are four roads under construction by Sacyr Concessions as part of the Colombian Government’s Fourth Generation (4G) projects. The company’s workforce in Colombia is in excess of 8,000.
Sacyr signs up to the "Business Ambition for 1,5ºC"
Sacyr has signed a commitment to “Business Ambition for 1.5°C”, an initiative encouraging companies all over the world to align themselves with the United Nations’ target to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 1.5ºC above what it was in pre-industrial times.
As part of this objective, Sacyr has signed the letter of support for Science Based Target (SBTi), a combined initiative of CDP, the United Nations Global compact, the Institute for World Resources and the WWF. SBT will assist in establishing science-based strategies against climate change to reduce gas emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. This represents yet another action by Sacyr to protect the climate.
Sacyr has become one of the companies and organizations that have signed up to this objective. The “Business Ambition for 1.5ºC” commitment has been signed by a total of over 177 companies. These companies employ over 5.8 million workers in 36 countries, and represent annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions equivalent to those of a country the size of France.
Sacyr’s commitment to this initiative forms part of its responsibility in the fight against climate change. The company sees the issue of CO2 as a priority action within its organization and contributes to improving the environment in which it operates.
Initiatives already under way
This year, Sacyr has obtained Reduzco certification by reducing CO2 emissions in its activities in Spain for scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 7.34% between 2016 and 2018, with respect to the three-year period from 2015-2017.
Counting and recording four consecutive carbon footprints (2015-2018) with the Carbon Footprint, Carbon Offset and CO2 Absorption Project Registry is a mandatory step in earning this certification.
An integrated management system
Sacyr operates under an integrated management system in working towards continuous improvement in the operations it undertakes with regard to the environment and a commitment to combatting climate change across all its activities. This system establishes a common, homogenous and comprehensive framework, which brings together all the certifications held by the companies that make up the group.
During 2018, the group invested over 20 million euros in environmental management and preventive measures, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year. The group’s commitment to sustainability is also reflected in its membership of environmental sustainability indexes such as the FTSE4GOOD.
Ártabro Tech wins the ninth edition of the Sacyr Awards for Innovation
28/11/2019The Galician technology firm Arbatro wins the 9th edition of the Sacyr Awards for Innovation. The Minister of Development, José Luis Ábalos, and the Chairman of Sacyr, Manuel Manrique, presented the award to Alejandro Casteleiro, CEO, and Miguel Vidal, CTO of Ártabro Tech, during the gala held yesterday afternoon.
Ártabro Tech provides analysis and artificial intelligence services incorporating machine learning techniques to process data. Their winning proposal consists of the development of an advanced tool to detect business opportunities.
This was one of the four challenges launched in June by Sacyr to the innovation community within its Sacyr iChallenges program. This year, the initiative has received around 200 proposals to resolve the 4 challenges proposed by the company.
Sacyr’s Chairman, Manuel Manrique, indicated during the presentation of the awards that, “at Sacyr, we define innovation as talent, diversity and sustainability”.Three Finalists
The Galician firm beat out the other three finalists for the Awards, Zerintia, Kwido and Informática El Corte Inglés, which provided a response to the other challenges posed by Sacyr: Digitalization of workplace security; Social services and remote care; and Smart tolls.
The winning proposalThe proposal involves the development of a tool that detects business opportunities, and which operates in four phases:
- Identification of sources of information.- Processing and architecture of data to organize the content gathered.
- Recommendation of business opportunities, based on business needs.
- Creation of a control panel and user interface that includes filters and personalized alerts, based on the client’s needs.
The jury noted the transversality and potential impact of the proposal on Sacyr’s business, as well as the Ártabro Tech team’s willingness to work, hand in hand, to define the solution that best addresses the company’s needs.
The winner will receive €50,000 in financing to develop the pilot project, access to Sacyr’s network of professionals and clients and specialized support for the development, implementation and scaling of their proposal.
FinalistsThe finalists of this edition have been:
Zerintia: specialized in creating products and services for industry 4.0 and eHealth, based on new technologies, like augmented reality and IoT.
Kwido: specialized in the use of new technologies to take care of elderly people in services of remote assistance, residencies and day centers.Informática de El Corte Inglés (IECISA): as the IT company of El Corte Inglés, it monitors companies in their digital transformation. It uses, among other things, flexible methodologies and digital and corporate platforms.
Sacyr iChallenges ProgramSacyr launched the second edition of its iChallenges program last June to collaborate with several innovative agents and resolve four business challenges. After the evaluation phase of all of the initiatives, 13 innovators from Sacyr iChallenges 2019 were considered to be most adapted to the challenges proposed.
On October 15, the company celebrated Sacyr Digital Day: at this event, 13 innovation agents from Sacyr iChallenges 2019 gathered and presented their proposals aimed at resolving the four challenges presented in this program.
After a new selection, the jury chose four proposals, which have been the finalists of the Sacyr Innovation Awards. -
Sacyr to participate in the remodeling of a major hospital complex in Milan
14/11/2019A joint venture led by SIS (Fininc, 51%; Sacyr, 49%) has been awarded the contract for the remodeling of a large health complex in the center of Milan (Italy), the “Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena” Hospital. The budget for the project amounts to 155.4 million euros and the duration is for three years.
Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures, Sacyr's construction division, and its partners will construct a central building consisting of 700 hospital beds, 21 operating rooms and 45 consultation rooms. The surface area of this new installation will total 65,000 m2.
The joint venture is owned by SIS (60.8%); Arco (21.9%); Innova (9.4%) and Palaser (7.9%).
New underground connections
This project envisages the integration of the scientific and health buildings of the Polyclinic by means of a new system of underground connections to enable the staff to circulate and equipment and material to be transported In addition, new protected routes will be created on the surface, together with an underground parking lot.
In total, the project covers a surface area of 92,000 square meters for the new building, the adjoining retail area and the parking lot.
This project strengthens Sacyr’s presence in Italy, where in addition, through the SIS consortium, it is currently constructing its largest concessional project: the Pedemontana-Veneto highway. -
Sacyr increases its EBITDA to €492 million (+32%) and posts a net profit of €122 million (+12%)
07/11/2019Sacyr obtuvo un EBITDA de 492 millones de euros entre enero y septiembre de 2019, el 32% más que en el mismo periodo del ejercicio anterior. El beneficio neto se situó en 122 millones de euros, con un incremento del 12% respecto del registrado en los primeros nueve meses de 2018.
Este fuerte crecimiento refrenda el éxito de la estrategia de Sacyr, que pone el foco en el perfil concesional, la rentabilidad, la disciplina financiera y la expansión internacional en mercados clave.
Durante los tres primeros trimestres de 2019, Sacyr registró un sólido crecimiento en sus principales áreas de negocio. El EBITDA de Ingeniería e Infraestructuras creció a un ritmo del 76%, el de Servicios, al 24% y el de Concesiones avanzó el 20% respecto del ejercicio anterior.
El foco de Sacyr en el negocio concesional se refleja en las cuentas de 2019: 77% del EBITDA se obtiene de activos concesionales con un bajo riesgo de demanda.
La rentabilidad de los negocios, medida por el margen de EBITDA, crece el 17% respecto de la que se registraba en septiembre de 2018 y pasa del 13,8% al 16,2%.
Aumento de la cifra de negocios
La cifra de negocios de Sacyr superó los 3.000 millones de euros (3.032 millones) hasta septiembre, tras registrar un aumento del 12%. El 58% de esa cifra se obtuvo en los mercados internacionales.
El crecimiento de doble dígito es consecuencia del éxito en la contratación registrado por todas las áreas de negocio durante los últimos ejercicios.
Cartera de ingresos
La cartera de ingresos futuros cerró el tercer trimestre en 42.616 millones de euros, de los que el 72% son internacionales.
Por actividades, en Infraestructuras los contratos internacionales representan el 86% del total; en Concesiones, el 82%; en Servicios, el 31%; y en Industrial, el 14%.
En lo que va de 2019, Sacyr se ha adjudicado proyectos relevantes en todas sus divisiones. Entre ellos, destacan la construcción y operación de la autopista Los Vilos–La Serena, la concesión del aeropuerto de Chacalluta de Arica y la construcción de los hospitales Provincia Cordillera y Sótero del Río, en Chile, la construcción y concesión del Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay, la prolongación del tranvía de Edimburgo (Reino Unido) o la limpieza y recogida de residuos de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (España).
Deuda financiera
La deuda neta del grupo se situó en 4.634 millones de euros a cierre de septiembre, frente a los 4.045 millones del pasado diciembre. Este aumento se debe al incremento de las inversiones para desarrollar los nuevos proyectos concesionales. Sin embargo, la deuda corporativa con recurso disminuye en 2019 y pasa de 1.138 millones a 1.082 millones.
La compañía continuó con su estrategia de rotación de activos y en los nueve primeros meses del año vendió su participación en Itínere por 202 millones de euros y el 49% de su participación en siete activos chilenos por 440 millones incluida deuda.
Además, tras el cierre del tercer trimestre, se produjeron otras dos operaciones de rotación de activos: acuerdo de venta del 47,5% de Guadalcesa por 220 millones y nueve plantas energéticas (150 millones), ambos importes deuda incluida.
La compañía ha vuelto a una política regular de retribución al accionista y en febrero y julio se han abonado sendos dividendos scrip que suman un total de 0,105 euros por título. Esta cantidad implica una rentabilidad para el accionista superior al 5%.
Evolución por áreas de negocio
Concesiones.- Hasta septiembre, Sacyr Concesiones tuvo una cifra de negocios de 701 millones de euros, el 28% superior a la obtenida en 2018.
Del total, 369 millones de euros correspondieron a ingresos concesionales, que crecieron el 16% por el crecimiento operativo de los activos. Este crecimiento se explica por el inicio de la explotación de los aeropuertos del Tepual y Chacalluta (Chile), además de la positiva evolución del tráfico de las autopistas.
Los 332 millones restantes (+45%) son ingresos de construcción, que crecen con fuerza por la ejecución de proyectos en Colombia, México, Uruguay y Chile.
El EBITDA alcanzó los 234 millones de euros, el 20% más.
La cartera de ingresos futuros se situó en 27.623 millones de euros, con un peso del 82% de los proyectos internacionales.
Durante 2019, Sacyr se ha adjudicado dos importantes proyectos en Chile: la autopista Los Vilos-La Serena, que aporta 864 millones de euros a la cartera, y el Aeropuerto de Chacalluta, con una cartera de 203 millones.
En Uruguay, un consorcio encabezado por Sacyr se ha adjudicado el Ferrocarril Central, que aporta unos ingresos futuros aproximados de 2.200 millones.
Ingeniería e Infraestructuras.- La cifra de negocios de esta división alcanzó los 1.464 millones de euros, con un crecimiento del 23% respecto de los nueve primeros meses de 2018.
El EBITDA creció el 76%, hasta 167,4 millones de euros y el margen de EBITDA mejoró hasta el 11,4%, frente al 8% de enero-septiembre del año pasado.
La cartera de esta división alcanzó los 6.857 millones de euros, con un crecimiento del 11% respecto de diciembre; supone 42 meses de actividad. El 86% de la cartera se sitúa fuera de España.
Cabe destacar la adjudicación durante 2019 de importantes proyectos en todo el mundo. Algunos de los más relevantes son los siguientes:
- En Chile, la construcción de la autopista Los Vilos-La Serena (331 millones de euros), de los hospitales Sótero del Río (328 millones) y Provincia Cordillera (153 millones) y la ampliación del Aeropuerto de Chacalluta (61 millones).
- En Uruguay, la construcción del ferrocarril Central (735 millones).
- En Reino Unido, la prolongación del tranvía de Edimburgo (120 millones)
- En EEUU, la rehabilitación de un tramo de autopista IH35E en Texas (102 millones).
- En Portugal, la construcción de la línea ferroviaria Corredor Internacional Sur (130 millones de euros).
- En España, varios proyectos de edificación por un importe de 125 millones de euros; la construcción del tramo Arejos-Níjar del AVE del corredor del Mediterráneo (98 millones); construcción del nuevo edificio de unión entre las terminales 1 y 2 del Aeropuerto de Tenerife Sur (44 millones).
Servicios.- La cifra de negocios de esta división creció el 5,9%, hasta los 845 millones de euros. El EBITDA alcanzó los 84,3 millones de euros (+24,5%) gracias a la aportación de todas las áreas: Medioambiente (+28%), Multiservicios (+54%) y Agua (+7%). El margen EBITDA crece y pasa del 8,5% al 10%.
La cartera de Servicios se situó a cierre de septiembre en 5.689 millones de euros, de los que el 31% ya es internacional. Hasta septiembre, la intensa actividad comercial dio como resultado la adjudicación de importantes contratos en todo el mundo. En España, la compañía consiguió el servicio de limpieza viaria, recogida y transporte del municipio de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. El importe total es de 142 millones en un plazo de ocho años prorrogables por otros dos.
Además, destacan contratos de conservación de carreteras en Perú por 18 millones y Chile por 13 millones de euros; de limpieza de las terminales 1 y 2 del aeropuerto de El Prat (Barcelona) por 70 millones de euros, limpieza de hospitales en España por 14 millones de euros, operación y mantenimiento de depuradoras en Navarra y la gestión del agua en Biar (Alicante) por 9 millones.
Industrial.- La cifra de negocios de la división Industrial alcanzó los 284 millones de euros (-27%) y sumó un EBITDA de 20,6 millones (-25%). Estas cifras están marcadas por la finalización de grandes proyectos en cartera, como Nuevo Mundo y La Pampilla (Perú) o la desaladora de Sohar (Omán).
La cartera de Industrial asciende a 2.447 millones de euros, de la que el 12% es internacional.
Entre los contratos adjudicados hasta septiembre, destaca la entrada de la compañía en el sector minero peruano, con un contrato en la mina de cobre de Quellaveco. Además, ha firmado varios contratos para la construcción de energías renovables en Chile y Bolivia.
Un consorcio participado por Sacyr Industrial ha sido adjudicatario de la construcción instalación de dos centrales hidroeléctricas en Perú por 102 millones de euros.
Rutas del litoral, led by Sacyr, is finalizing construction of Routes 21 and 24 (Uruguay)
24/10/2019Yesterday, the Minister of Transport and Public Works of Uruguay, Victor Rossi; the executive directors of Sacyr Ingeniería e Infraestructuras and Sacyr Concesiones, Pedro Sigüenza and Rafael Gómez del Río; the director of Saceem Group, Alejandro Ruibal, and the local authorities inaugurated the works carried out on the Nueva Palmira bypass. This event completes the works executed on Route 21 and Route 24, which have been carried out over 27 months, nine less than the 36 established in the contract.
Routes 21 and 24 is the first public-private participation (PPP) road project in Uruguay. The contract involves the design, construction, operation and financing of the road infrastructure on Route 21, on the stretch between Nueva Palmira and Route 2, Route 24 between Route 2 and Route 3, and the Nueva Palmira Bypass.
Routes 21 and 24 form the main transit corridor on the Western coast, which features 50% of the country's heavy traffic.
The concessionaire Rutas del Litoral will be responsible for the maintenance of the two roads and the Nueva Palmira Bypass for 24 years; a period that began with the start of the contract, in 2016. The associated revenue portfolio is for 175 million euros.In Uruguay, Sacyr Concesiones is leading the Central Railway project through the consortium Grupo Vía Central (GVC), which will reno vate 273 kilometers of the railway between the cities of Paso de los Toros and the port of Montevideo.
The consortium is responsible for the financing, design and construction over 36 months, and the project's renovation and maintenance, for a period of 18 years. The construction budget for this project totals 735 million euros.
Data on the Route 21 and 24 project
Technical data of the works:
• More than 300 direct jobs generated (950,000 HH).• Over 460,000 m3 of embankment and granular bases.
• Three plants for preparing concrete and over 100,000 m3 of concrete used.
• Two high performance pavers. • 54 km of highway with concrete pavement.
• Grinding plant. Over 180,000 tons of crushed gravel.
• Over 170,000 tons of asphalt mix prepared. • 78.5 km of highway with asphalt pavement.
• Over 179 km of highway in operation and maintenance.
• A new bridge over the Sauce river.
• Reconditioning of 13 bridges.
Reconditioning of Route 24The Route 24 project, within the framework of the PPP, is 45 km, and is in addition to the total route (94 km) with a concrete pavement throughout its entire extension. Concrete improves the durability, given the high traffic of heavy trucks, and it also offers very good performance to users.
The works included: expansion of the existing roadway; adaptation and construction of drainage works; improvement of the former highway profile to modern standards; paving the road with concrete; paving shoulders with an asphalt mix; construction of slow-traffic lanes; installation of checkpoints; construction of junctions for the intersection with Route 25 and at the intersection with the branch to San Javier; and the maintenance of bridges.
Reconditioning of Route 21 (Nueva Palmira – Dolores – Mercedes)The Route 21 project involves 76.5 km of pavement of asphalt mix throughout its extension. The works included: expansion of the existing roadway; adaptation and construction of drainage works; improvement of the former highway profile to modern standards; paving the road with asphalt mix; paving shoulders with double bituminous treatment; construction of slow-traffic lanes; installation of checkpoints; construction of junctions for the intersection with Route 105; and the maintenance of bridges.
Nueva Palmira BypassThe BPNP project involves 8.5 km of new route with concrete pavement throughout its extension, improving its durability, given the high traffic of heavy trucks, and it also offers good performance to users. The works consisted of: bases and embankments, construction of drainage works; concrete paving of the roadway; paving of shoulders with an asphalt mix; installation of checkpoints; construction of junctions at the intersection with Route 12; and a bridge over the Sauce river.
In the photograph: Alejandro Ruibal, Director of Saceem Group; Víctor Rossi, Minister of Transport and Public Works; Rafael Gómez del Río, Sacyr Concessions’s CEO and Pedro Sigüenza, Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures’s CEO, and other participants in the inauguration.
Sacyr increased its EBITDA to €315 million (+32%) and posted a net profit of 80 million (+11%)
13/08/2019Sacyr posted an EBITDA of €315 million in the first half of 2019, up 32% compared to the same period last year. The net profit stood at 80 million euros, with an 11% increase with respect to that registered between January and June 2018.
This strong growth asserts the success of the strategy undertaken by Sacyr, which focused on profitability, financial discipline, consolidation and the diversification of business areas.
Sacyr’s growth in 2019 is based on the good development of the business areas. The EBITDA of Engineering and Infrastructures grew at 70% rate, while Services was up by 26% and Concessions increased 17%.
77% of EBITDA is obtained from concession assets that have a low demand risk.
The profitability of the businesses, measured by the EBITDA margin, rose 19% with respect to the one registered a year ago and goes from 13.2% to 15.7%.
Cash flow also increased to 183 million euros in the first half, 44% more than the 127 million recorded in the same period of 2018.
Turnover growth
Sacyr’s turnover exceeded the 2 billion euros (2.9 billion) barrier in the first half after increasing 11%. 58% of that figure was obtained in international markets.
This double-digit growth is a result of the success in contracting registered by all business areas during the last financial years.
Income backlog
The company’s future revenue backlog in the first half reached €42,642 million, 73% of which is international.
By activities, in Infrastructure, international contracts accounted for 87% of the total, 82% of Concessions, 32% of Services, and 12% in Industrial.
During first half, the company was awarded large projects in all its divisions. Among them, the renovation of a highway in Texas (United States), the construction and operation of the Los Vilos-La Serena highway and the construction of the Cordillera and Sótero del Río (Chile) hospitals, the construction and concession of the Central Railway (Uruguay) or the tram extension of Edinburgh (United Kingdom).
Financial debt
During the first semester, the corporate debt with recourse decreased and went from 1,138 million to 1,087 million. The total net debt of the group stood at 4,443 million euros at the end of the aforementioned period, of which more than 75% correspond to project financing, mainly on the back of the increase in investments in the development of projects that strengthen the company's concessional profile.
The company continued with its asset rotation strategy and sold its stake in Itínere for 202 million euros and 49% of its stake in seven Chilean assets, for 440 million during the first half of the year (including the debt).
The company has returned to a regular shareholder remuneration policy and it paid a dividend scrip of 0.051 euros per share in February. It payed the second dividend of the year in July, of 0.054 euros, so shareholders will gain 0.105 euros this year, which implies a return of over 5%.
Change by business area
Concessions.- Sacyr Concessions posted a turnover of €445 million, up 36% compared to that of the first half of 2018.
Of the total, €238 million came from concession revenues, which grew 19% as a result of the operational growth of the assets, the start of the operation of the Tepual and Challacuta airport (Chile) operations and the improvement in highway traffic figures. The remaining 206 million (+64%) come from construction revenues, which are growing strongly due to the execution of projects in Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay.
EBITDA reached €151 million, up 17%.
The backlog of future revenue reached €27,849 million (+3%), with its international business accounting for 82% of this figure.
During the first semester, Sacyr has been awarded two important projects in Chile: the Los Vilos-La Serena highway, which contributes 864 million euros to the backlog, and the Chacalluta Airport, with a 203 million backlog. In Uruguay, a consortium led by Sacyr has been awarded the Central Railroad, which will provide an approximate future income of 2,200 million.
Engineering and Infrastructure.- The turnover of this division reached €959 million, with 19% growth compared to the same period of 2019.
EBITDA increased 70% to €104 million and the EBITDA margin improved to 10.8%, compared to 10.8% in January-June 2018.
The infrastructure backlog reached €6,699 million, up 8%, and represents 42 months of activity. 87% of the backlog is located outside Spain.
It is worth noting the award of relevant projects such as the construction of the Los Vilos-La Serena highway in Chile (331 million euros), the Central Railway of Uruguay (735 million), the extension of the Edinburgh Tramway (120 million), the renovation of a section of highway in Texas (102 million) or the construction of the Mediterranean Corridor of the AVE speed rail in Almeria (98 million).
Services .- The turnover of this division grew by 4%, to €550 million. EBITDA reached €55 million, 26% more compared to 2018, on the back of the contribution from all areas. Environment (+36%), Multiservices (+60%) and Water (+7%). The EBITDA margin grows and goes from 8.2% to 10%.
The Services backlog totaled €5,662 million, 32% of which is international. In this sense, in the first half, highway conservation contracts in Peru stand out for a total of 18 million and in Chile for 13 million euros; cleaning of terminals 1 and 2 of El Prat airport (Barcelona) for 58 million euros, cleaning of hospitals in Spain for 14 million euros, operation and maintenance of sewage treatment plants in Navarra and the water management in Biar (Alicante) by 14.6 million.
Industrial.- The revenue of the Industrial division reached €216 million (-17%) and EBITDA totaled €16 million (-11%). These figures are due to the company having completed large projects in the backlog, such as Nuevo Mundo and La Pampilla (Peru).
The Sacyr backlog totaled €2,432 million, 12% of which was international. Among the contracts awarded in the first semester, the entry of the company into the Peruvian mining sector stands out, with a contract at the Quellaveco copper mine. In addition, Sacyr has signed several contracts for the construction of renewable energies in Chile and Bolivia.
Sacyr is awarded new railway projects totaling 100 Million Euros
15/07/2019Its subsidiary, Sacyr Neopul, will perform four new projects in Spain and Ireland
Sacyr, through Sacyr Neopul, a subsidiary specializing in the electrification and maintenance of railway tracks, has been awarded four new projects in Spain and Ireland, amounting to 99.8 million euros.
In consortium with Lantania and Comsa, it will carry out the electrification works of the AVE high speed train section between Plasencia and Peñas Blancas for ADIF, through 125 km of double track, of the Madrid - Portuguese Border line. The contract has a value of 25 million euros and an execution period of 18 months.
This consortium was also commissioned with the successful electrification project on the LAV section between Barcelona and the French border.
Four new lines in Vicálvaro
The second project, awarded to Sacyr Neopul and CAF Signalling, is the construction of four new lines at the railway terminal of Vicálvaro (Madrid) for a total of 15.5 million euros and over a period of 18 months.
This remodeling will enable modification of the terminal’s functionality, which is currently a regulation and classification station. It will become an intermodal facility for the loading and unloading of Intermodal Transport Units (ITU), with a design in line with current trends in terms of management of freight terminals.
Basque Railway Network
The third contract awarded to the company will be developed in the Basque Railway Network (ETS). Sacyr Neopul and Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures, together with Mariezcurrena and Zubieder, will develop Phase 2 of the Hernani - Astigarraga section. The project includes the construction of a section of platform in viaduct for the AVE including the reworking of the conventional railroad in the surroundings. The contract has a value of 38,3 million euros and an execution period of 37 months.
Finally, the Irish Rail has selected Sacyr Neopul as the preferred bidder for the maintenance of the Dublin Area Rapid Train electrification network (DART) for a period of five years. The 21 million-euro contract includes the maintenance of 120 km of track and the renewal of 40 km of the catenary.
“The awarding of these new projects is recognition of our national and international capacity and know-how. These contracts contribute to the growth of our subsidiary and provide continuity to the excellence and quality of the service provided by our company,” said Eduardo Campos, CEO of Sacyr Somague and Sacyr Neopul.
Sacyr expands the surgical block and the oncology institure of the Gregorio Marañon Hospital (Madrid)
11/07/2019Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures will build the new Surgical Block and the Oncology Institute of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital for a total amount of 34.4 million euros.
The renovation works of the Oncology Institute will include more than 15,000 square meters dedicated to oncological patient care, of which almost 2,000 will correspond to expansion works. The contract has a value of 18.2 million euros and an execution period of 18 months.
With the new works, Sacyr will carry out a total renovation of the building that will enable adequate management of the functional areas and services. To this end, it will implement circulation cores to organize the transit of patients and professionals, create more areas with natural light and individual rooms and modify accessibility ramps. In addition, it will promote energy efficiency measures in the property.
The works will expand the surface area of the Surgical Block by 14,000 m2 and will unify all the operating theaters of the hospital that will have a total of 30 operating rooms, which will allow managing the services of the center more efficiently. The construction budget for this project totals 16.2 million euros.
The new surgical block will be attached to the hospital and will allow unifying post-surgical recovery areas and the support of these services, to improve the quality of patient care and optimize its operation.
Energy efficiency
The surgical block will include the installation of photovoltaic solar energy production with a power of 46.8 kWp. It will consist of 156 photovoltaic panels designed to dissipate heat faster and in a fully compact manner.
This installation will feed directly into the low voltage general panel in order to reduce the power consumption of the network.
Sacyr's experience in the construction, management and maintenance of hospitals guarantees the highest quality standards in its buildings, which are sustainable, efficient and accessible to users. Our excellence in this sector is evidenced by the more than 60 hospitals and health centers built or renovated in seven countries, with over 9,000 beds and an investment of 3.2 billion euros.
The expansion of the Panama canal, built by Sacyr, celebrates three years of success with the transit of almost 6,500 vessels
28/06/2019- The GUPC consortium, led by Sacyr, completed the three-year maintenance period of the third set of locks of the Panama Canal.
- The expansion has registered an availability of 99.97%, which evidences the quality of the engineering project that GUPC developed between 2009 and 2016.
- The third set of locks is the most significant engineering work of the 21st century.
2019The GUPC consortium, led by Sacyr, completed the three-year maintenance period of the third set of locks of the Panama Canal.
In these 36 months, nearly 6,500 vessels have sailed through the new Canal, which has registered an availability of 99.97%, surpassing the contractual obligation to reach 99.6%. Furthermore, there have been no incidents during this time attributable to GUPC.
The vessels that sail through the neopanamax locks represent 51% of the Canal's revenues from tolls, on the back of their greater cargo capacity.
The largest size of vessels represents 3.4 times more tons per transit compared to the original locks. The Canal offers a daily average transit rate of around 7.5 vessels in the neopanamax locks, but up to 12 vessels have sailed through in a single day.
Six percent of world trade
Thanks to the 2016 expansion of the Canal, where 6% of world trade goes through, it has managed to unite more than 140 maritime routes and 1,700 ports in 160 countries.
In 2018, 62% of the vessels that sailed the canal had their origin or destination in the United States. This country is one of the main users of the interoceanic passage, followed by China, Mexico, Chile and Japan. Around 14 vessels per day sail through the locks of Agua Clara, in the Pacific, and Cocolí, in the Atlantic, depending on the availability of water.
Over 50% of the vessels have transported containers; 26% corresponded to liquefied petroleum gas; and another 11% to liquefied natural gas (LNG). Other vessels that have used the locks are dry and liquid bulk carriers, vehicle and passenger carriers.
Record tonnage
In 2018, a new tonnage record was established, as 38 million tons of cargo were reached.
In financial year 2017 (from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018), the third set of locks already accounted for 37% of total toll revenues and 34% of the tonnage going through the Canal.
Third Set of Locks: sustainable and efficient
Sacyr led GUPC, the consortium in charge of the design and construction of the third set of locks between 2009 and 2016.
The new lock chambers measure 427 meters in length by 55 meters width and 18.3 meters depth and allow the passage of post-Panamax vessels. This is the most significant engineering work in the world due to its technical and technological complexity.
The Panama Canal has water tanks for each chamber in the Cocolí and Agua Clara locks, which guarantees the reuse of up to 60% of this resource in each lock and reduces water consumed by 7% in each transit compared to the current ones. This saving enables the transit of two more vessels per day.
Regarding the lock-filling times, the figures also exceed those agreed. If the average time of filling the locks required by the client was between 46.1 and 50.5 minutes with the use of the pools, the current time now stands at between 42.5 and 43.7 minutes.
Without the use of the pools, the average time to fill the locks required by the client was 26.5 to 28 minutes, and now the actual time executed is 24.8 to 26 minutes.
The concrete used in its construction is of excellent quality and widely exceeds the margins of the project, with a durability of more than 100 years. In the new locks five million m3 of concrete have been used, the equivalent to 50 towers of 236 meters or 450 buildings of 20 floors in height.
During the performance of the work a world record was reached in the casting of concrete: 170,000 m3 of concrete per month, equivalent to what would be used in two towers of 236 meters in height. Furthermore, 300,000 tons of steel were used.
The third set of locks allows the sailing of vessels with triple capacity, which has a positive impact on the global logistics industry, thanks to which, ports around the world have changed their logistics platforms to receive the post-Panamax vessels.
Increasing the load also results in a reduction in CO2 emissions, as the same cargo is transported by fewer vessels.
Sacyr grows in the United States with its first construction contract in Texas
10/06/2019Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures has been awarded the reconstruction and expansion of the IH35E interstate highway in Texas (USA), with a budget amounting to 117 million dollars (102 million euros).
This is the first contract of Sacyr's construction subsidiary in the State of Texas. In 2018 the company entered the United States with the four contracts in Florida, totaling 320 million euros.
The project in Texas contributes to its expansion in the United States, which is one of the pillars of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan.
Works on 11.5 kilometers
The contract of the IH35E has been awarded by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and has an execution period of 40 months.
Sacyr will rebuild and expand 11.5 kilometers of the IH35E, which will increase from four to six lanes from the intersection with the IH35W and the Ellis County boundary. Furthermore, the existing entrance and exit ramps will be improved at intersections with the FM2959 and the FM934.
The works include earthworks, drainage, earth walls, pavement, signaling, beaconing, safety, lighting and replanting.
Sacyr has been awarded the construction of a railway in Portugal for 130 million euros
30/05/2019Infraestructuras de Portugal has awarded Sacyr Somague the construction of a 40-kilometer long railway. This infrastructure will be a strategic part of the Southern International Corridor, which will connect the ports of the south of the country (Lisbon, Sines and Setúbal) with the railway network that connects with Spain through Badajoz.
The project has investment of 130 million euros and a construction period of 28 months.
The works consist of the construction of a new rail line, which runs mostly through rural areas and which links the Évora Line, the Alandroal subsection and the Eastern Line. The works include the construction of the rail platform, drainage and other infrastructures such as viaducts, crossings, stations, technical buildings and those related to signaling and telecommunications.
In total, construction of 13 bridges that will add a length of 6.3 kilometers has been planned. The highest one will have a 38 meters abutment. In addition, 26 over-and-under crossings will be executed and 30 roads will be renewed.
More backlog in Portugal
This railway contract extends Sacyr Somague’s backlog. Among other contracts, the company is currently building two new hotels in Lisbon for an amount totalling 12.5 million euros. They are also carrying out the restoration of the emblematic 25 de Abril bridge in Lisbon.
"The award of these new projects recognizes our national and international capacity and know-how. These contracts contribute to the growth of Sacyr Somague and provide continuity to the excellence and quality of the service provided by our company,” said Eduardo Campos, CEO of Sacyr Somague.
Sacyr is awared the urbanization works in south al Meshaf (Qatar) for 114 million euros.
17/05/2019The Qatar State Company Asghal has awarded the consortium formed by Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure and Medgulf the urbanization works in South Al Meshaf (Qatar) in the south of Doha for a total of 114 million euros.
The project will consist of the urbanization of the surrounding area of 117 hectares located in the south of Doha, 5 kilometers west of Al Wakrah (Qatar), which will include 9.5 kilometers of roads and a waste collector by building a 6.5-kilometer-long micro tunnel, with a diameter of 2 and 2.4 meters located at a depth of 25 and 38 meters.
The works will commence next June and will have a duration of 42 months.
Sacyr already has other projects underway in the country, such as the design and construction of the building works of QEZ-1, as well as the sewerage of plots A and B in the same area, among others.
This project South Al Meshaf is yet another example of the company’s consolidation and commitment in this strategic market.
Results of the First Quarter of 2019
10/05/2019- The results of the first quarter of the financial year reflect the company's focus on profitability and cash generation.
- he multinational company strengthens its concessional profile: 77% of EBITDA comes from low demand risk assets.
- The company's future revenue backlog reached €42.912 billion (+3%). 72% of this is international.
- The strength of the results and the business have allowed the company to resume regular dividend distributions. In February, the first dividend was paid on the back of the 2018 results, under the scrip dividend modality.
Sacyr posted an EBITDA of €143 million in the first quarter of 2019, up 28% compared to the same period last year. Net profit stood at 38 million € between January and March, with an increase of 10%.
The strong growth posted in the first quarter of the year confirms the success of Sacyr's strategy. This strategy places the focus on profitability, financial discipline, consolidation in our strategical markets and business with a clear concessionary profile. Indeed, 77% of EBITDA comes from low demand risk assets.
During the first quarter, Sacyr recorded a significant increase in EBITDA in its business divisions: Concessions (+27%), Engineering and Infrastructure (+40%), Services (+24%).
Furthermore, business profitability, measured by the EBITDA margin, grew from 12.6% in the first half of 2018 to 14.7%.
Turnover growth
Sacyr's turnover was €972 million, up +10% compared to last year. This growth is a result of the success in contracting registered by all business areas during the last financial years.
The future income backlog closed the first quarter at 42,912 million euros (+3%). The backlog reflects the strong internationalization of the company: 72% is already located outside Spain. This figure rises to 88% in the case of Engineering and Infrastructure and 82% in the case of Concessions.
During 2019, Sacyr is awarding significant contracts in its strategic markets. This is the case, for example, of the Los Vilos - La Serena highway (Chile), the extension of the Edinburgh tramway (United Kingdom), two sections of high-speed railways in Spain and Portugal and the new terminal of the Tenerife Airport.Financial debt
The group's net debt stood at €4,177 million at the end of the first quarter, with a slight increase compared to the end of 2018 (€4,045 million). The net recourse debt, of €1,124 million, is reduced compared to the 1,138 million at the end of last financial year.
Sacyr disinvested its stake in Itínere Infraestructuras in the first quarter, for which it obtained a total of €202 million. Furthermore, after March, it completed the rotation of 49% of seven Chilean assets for a total amount of €440 million.
During the first quarter, the company completed the return of the advances to the Panama Canal Authority.
The company keeps a regular shareholder compensation policy. Last February it paid the dividend on account of the 2018 results through a scrip dividend: one share for each 35 or €0.051 per right. 95% of the capital chose to receive shares, which proves investor confidence in the stock.
Change by business area
Concessions.- Sacyr Concessions posted a turnover of €218 million, up 51% compared to that of the first quarter of 2018.
Of the total, €117 million came from concession revenues, which grew 22% as a result of assets operation growth, the start of Tepual airport (Chile) operations and the improvement in highway traffic figures. The remaining 101 million (+108%) come from construction revenues, which are growing strongly due to the execution of projects in Colombia, Chile and Mexico.
EBITDA reached €75 million, up 27%.
The backlog of future revenue reached €28.064 million (+4%), with its international business accounting for 82% of this figure.
During the first quarter, Sacyr was awarded two major projects in Chile, the Los Vilos-La Serena highway (€864 million) and the Challacuta Airport (€203 million).Engineering and Infrastructure.- The turnover of this division reached €456 million, with 14% growth compared to the same period of 2018.
EBITDA increased 40% to €41 million and the EBITDA margin improved to 9%, compared to 7.3% in January-March 2018.
The infrastructure backlog reached €6,554 million, up 6%, and represents 43 months of activity. 88% of the backlog is located outside Spain.
It is worth noting the award of relevant projects in Chile, such as the construction of the Sótero del Rio hospitals (€328 million) and Cordillera Province (€153 million). In addition, Sacyr was awarded the construction of the Évora high-speed line in Portugal (€130 million) and the stretch of AVE Arejos-Níjar in Almería (€98 million). In the UK, the extension of the Edinburgh tramway will be performed (€120 million) and in Tenerife (Spain) the building linking terminals 1 and 2 of Tenerife South Airport (€44 million) will be built.
Services. - The turnover of this division grew by 5%, to €266 million. EBITDA reached €24 million, 24% more compared to 2018, on the back of the contribution from all areas. Environment (+15%), Multiservices (+98%) and Water (+20%). The EBITDA margin grows and is up from 7.7% to 9%.
The Services backlog totaled €5,836 million, similar to the figure registered in March 2018 (€5,899 million).
29% of the backlog is international. In this sense, the contracts obtained in Peru for the conservation of roads in the first quarter stand out, with a volume of €19 million, in Chile (€13 million) and Portugal (€7 million).
Industrial.- The revenue of the Industrial division reached €110 million (-17%) and EBITDA totaled €7 million (-25%). The company has completed large backlog projects, such as Nuevo Mundo and La Pampilla (Peru).
The Industrial backlog reached €2,458 million, up 9% compared to the first quarter of 2018. 11% of which is international.
Sacyr Industrial has signed two BOP contracts for the construction of two 84 MW wind farms in Bio Bio and 155 MW in Antofagasta. Both projects total €61 million.
In addition, the construction of a 5 MW pilot geothermal plant in Laguna Colorada (Bolivia) has been awarded for €15 million.
Sacyr wins new building projects totalling 60 million euros
30/04/2019Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures has won several residential construction projects in Estepona, Málaga, Huelva and Mataró totalling 60.5 million euros.
For Kronos Home, we will build the "Oasis 325" development in Estepona (Málaga), which will have 127 design homes with storage rooms, garages, heated pool and community pool in the first phase. The project consists of six blocks with 4 graded floors, each distributed in 2 basements, ground floor, 2 floors and attic.
For Metrovacesa, Sacyr Infrastructures will build the "Edificio Halia” complex, in the area of Torre del Río on Málaga’s beach front. The property will include 99 homes, parking lots, storage rooms and swimming pools; it will be arranged on 3 floors below ground, ground floor, 6 floors and an attic. The project has been carried out by the architects Mario Romero González and Javier Higuera Mata of HCP Arquitectos Urbanistas.
We are going to build the second phase of the development that we are already running called "La Joya", for SDIN Residencial, in Huelva. It consists of two blocks on the ground floor and 7 floors. The basements are already completed as they belong to the first phase of this development. The project was drafted by architects Teresa Escribano and Gustavo Águila of Arquitectura Valparaiso studio. The surface area to be built will be 9,190 m2.
In Mataró (Barcelona), we are going to build the "Mirador del Maresme” for Port Mataró: a residential complex of 97 homes with 15 shops and parking lots distributed in 3 blocks of 10 storeys.
Sacyr and Farrans are awarded the extension of the Edinburgh tram
23/04/2019The joint venture formed by Sacyr and Farrans has been awarded the Infrastructure and Systems contract which covers the design and construction, systems integration, testing, commissioning and bringing into operational service of the Edinburgh Tram York Place to Newhaven project.
This 4.7 kilometer new stretch will have eight stops and will extend the tram line to the north of the city, which currently connects the airport with Haymarket Station and Princes Street in the City Centre. The project total budget stands at 120 million euros.
The Early Contractor Involvement stage will begin in mid May, when the SNF Joint Venture will commence to work in collaboration with the other contractor (utilities diversion), Morrison Utility Services, the City of Edinburgh Council and the other stakeholders to develop the design and program of the works.
16 million users
The construction of the infrastructure will begin in September this year and will have a duration of 40 months. The first passengers are projected to use the new line at the beginning of 2023.
When it begins to operate, the new line connecting the airport with the northern area of Newhaven will serve 16 million people per year.
Growth in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is one of the markets in which Sacyr plans to grow in the coming years. Last year, the Spanish multinational was awarded the contract for the design and construction of the A6 highway between Dungiven and Drumahoe in Northern Ireland, with a total budget of 229 million pounds (258 million euros).
The project includes the design and construction of a 26 kilometers highway. The works, which began last October, will have a duration of four years.
Sacyr is also currently delivering the design and construction of the Ulster University new campus, in Belfast.
Sacyr adopts corporate responsibility practices for Biodiversity in Peru
17/04/2019Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure, in order to protect biodiversity, has carried out a conservation project on the plant species located in the project site of the Andrés Avelino Cáceres Sports Complex of Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, for the 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games.
The aim of this project is to guarantee the survival of all the specimens that were found in the work area and to increase the area of plant cover with creeping plants.
In this environmental project, over 800 specimens belonging to more than 20 different species found in the area were relocated in a nursery, for their care and conservation, being able to duplicate the number of specimens a few months later, until more than 1,600 specimens were obtained, which have been integrated into the landscaping of the sports complex.
Simultaneously, we have been working on the propagation of creeping plants in the sandy areas of the project where there was no vegetation cover, since they are able to fully cover the ground in an abundant way through cuttings of mother plants. The results that are being obtained are equally successful, having revegetated 1,322 m² presently and with an estimated 2,800 m² to be reached. It is important to stress that creeping plants require little maintenance and a minimum amount of water to survive, therefore they are used as an alternative to traditional turf.
With this species protection environmental alternative, Sacyr contributes to achieving Goal 15 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN, by adopting significant measures that reduce the effect on natural habitats, avoid the loss of biological diversity and protect threatened species. And Goal 12 by adopting responsible production and consumption measures, by promoting the efficient use of water.
Sacyr will build the los Arejos-Níjar (Almería)high speed railway section for 98 million euros
01/04/2019The section includes 10 viaducts, of which three are more than 900 meters in length.
Adif Alta Velocidad has awarded Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures the construction of the Los Arejos - Níjar (Almería) section, within the Murcia - Almería High Speed Mediterranean Corridor. The contract has a value of 98 million euros and an execution period of 32 months.
The 17.7-kilometer route has 9.2 km in double track (14 m platform) and another 8.5 km in single track (8.5 m platform).
The main actions to be carried out in the section are:
- 10 viaducts, of which three are of large dimensions (more than 900 m in length)
- 5 overpasses on roads or paths
- 11 underpasses
- a protection wall.
The project also includes earthworks (demolitions, clearings, embankments, prepared subgrades and sub-ballasts); the longitudinal and transversal drainage of the platform; and the replacement of electrical, telephony and easements services.
Sacyr has extensive experience in high-speed railway works with 400 km already executed (40 km with the TBM tunneler and 35 km of conventional tunnel). It has participated in 42 projects with the commissioning of 739 km.
On the Madrid-Barcelona-French border line (in sections Sants - La Sagrera, Torrassa - Sants, Sant Joan Despí - Sants, nudo of Castellbisbal, Massanes-Maçanet, Hospitalet - La Torrassa in Barcelona, sections Cornellá del Terri-Vilademuls and Borrassà - Figueres (Girona).
In the connection of LAV Madrid-Castilla La Mancha - Comunidad Valenciana-Región de Murcia the sections: Alzira-Algemesí and Orihuela - Colada de la Buena Vida.
It has also built the access entrance to Málaga of the high-speed railway line and has participated in the works of the tunnels of Guadarrama and the Abdalajís valley.
Sacyr wins a 34 Million -eruo contract to build a 205-km Road in Peru
19/03/2019Sacyr, through Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure, will take on the technical work and construction of the 205-kilometer road in Áncash.
The company was awarded this project, put out to tender by the Department for Transport and Communications, and forming part of the fifth phase of road building under the “Reconstrucción con Cambios” [Rebuilding with Changes] initiative. The contract has a budget of over 126 million soles (around 34 million euros).
It is expected that the project will get underway in March 2019, and will continue over a period of 16 months.It is the largest of the six road reconstruction packages designed to improve connections within the region and in the country as a whole, in the wake of the damage wrought by the El Niño Costero phenomenon in 2017.
A more secure infrastructure
The construction work to improve road communications will comprise: preparatory work, earth moving, road surfacing, art work and drainage work, complementary work, transportation of materials and waste, the installation of road signaling and safety measures, and environmental protection.
“With this project in Áncash, we are committed to providing a quality infrastructure for all users of this road, linking safer towns, and resulting in both shorter journey times and in improved connections. The project will, without question, make a positive contribution to the reconstruction of the country’s road network following the disastrous consequences of El Niño Costero”, stated Carlos Martínez-Almeida, General Manager of Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure in Peru.
Sacyr will build the building joining terminals 1 and 2 the Tenerife sur airport for 44 Million euros
15/03/2019SACYR Engineering and Infrastructure will build the building joining T1 and T2 of the Tenerife Sur airport for 44.16 million euros The project, awarded by Aena, will increase the useful space of the airport by 14,000 m2 and will include a complete transformation of the airport facility by integrating both buildings into a single terminal area.
In addition to being responsible for the distribution of the outer urbanization of the terminal area to adapt to the new configuration, the works also include the construction of a modern security control, which is centralized and based on a single level, with two large side billing areas in terminals T1 and T2. As a result, the current T1 will readjust the passenger flow and expand the commercial area.
The building will also be equipped with two new entrance ramps to accommodate four new boarding gates.
The works, which will begin in April, will have a duration of around 23 months and will be carried out in phases so that the impact on the operation of the airport is minimal.
Extensive experience.
Sacyr has extensive experience in the implementation of airport projects in Spain, Portugal and Angola with over 1,600 million euros of works carried out, including the T4 at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport, Murcia, Ciudad Real. It is currently carrying out the improvement works for the El Tepual (Puerto Montt, Chile) and Chiclayo (Peru) airports.
Sacyr Engineerign and Infraestructures is awarded new building projects in Madrid for 65 million euros
16/01/2019Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures has won several construction projects in Madrid totaling 65 million euros. Among these the construction of three residential developments with 380 homes and the complete renovation of the Manoteras 12 building in Madrid stand out.
For Onix Capital Partners, we will carry out the complete renovation and expansion of seven floors of the building located on Avenida de Manoteras 12, to turn it into a sustainable and efficient office building aspiring to the highest Leed and Well Gold certifications. To this end, we will undertake the renovation of the existing 5,310 m2 and will expand the area to reach 21,200 m2 built with the most modern construction techniques.
For Inmoglaciar, we will build the Ciudad Futura Residential development in Arganda del Rey (Madrid), which will consist of 103 homes, business premises, garages, storage rooms and community swimming pool. The project will be developed in two blocks, one located to the north in an inverted U with basement, four floors and an attic and another to the south in linear distribution with basement, seven floors and an attic.
And for promoter AEDAS Homes, Sacyr Infrastructures will carry out the Orellana I and Orellana II developments in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). Each of these residential projects will consist of a five-floor, U-shaped building with 74 houses (148 units in total) with the common areas and the swimming pool.
And for Promyva Inmuebles IV, we will build Residential Cubic II located in Rivas Vaciamadrid: 129 homes with storage rooms, garage and common areas. This open-block residential building, intended for homes with garages, storage rooms and common areas, will have six floors and two floors below ground.
Informe integrado Sacyr 2018
13/06/2019En Sacyr creamos valor compartido. El Informe Integrado de 2018 da cuenta del modelo de negocio sostenible de la compañía y de cómo, con nuestra actividad, aportamos valor a nuestros empleados, clientes, accionistas y al conjunto de las sociedades en las que desarrollamos nuestros proyectos.
A lo largo de las 244 páginas de nuestro Informe, detallamos todas las magnitudes básicas de nuestra actividad, el modelo de negocio, el entorno operativo en los que nos desenvolvemos, el valor social y medioambiental, y la gobernanza de la compañía.
Todo el trabajo de Sacyr se enmarca en el concepto de sostenibilidad, que se busca permanentemente a través de mejora de nuestros resultados, una estructura financiera equilibrada, el compromiso con nuestros clientes y con nuestros empleados, y nuevos procesos de innovación para utilizar materiales, energías y tecnologías respetuosas con el medio ambiente
La EDAR de Tenerife Noreste (Valle de Guerra), premio Agustín de Betancourt a la mejor Obra de Ingeniería Civil de Canarias
07/06/2019El proyecto de la Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales Urbanas (EDAR) de Valle de Guerra en Tenerife, realizado por de Sacyr Sadyt y Sacyr Ingeniería e Infraestructuras, ha ganado el Premio Agustín de Betancourt a la mejor Obra de Ingeniería Civil (periodo 2014-2018) de las Islas Canarias. El galardón lo concede la Demarcación de Tenerife del Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
Este proyecto cumple ampliamente con los criterios de valoración del premio ya que es un modelo de innovación tecnológica, de eficiencia y de nueva gestión en la depuración. Ofrece agua regenerada de calidad adaptada a los diferentes cultivos; está integrada en el entorno y es respetuosa con él al no generar ruido ni olores. Además, la infraestructura se ha convertido en un aula para la sociedad de la Isla donde mostrar el futuro de la reutilización del agua. La EDAR es un referente en el cambio del modelo del ciclo integral del agua en la producción industrial de agua regenerada.
Este premio reconoce al promotor y al director de la Obra (Gobierno de Canarias) y al proyectista y contratista (Sacyr Ingeniería Infraestructuras-Sacyr Sadyt).
Además, Sacyr Agua se adjudicó la explotación la planta por un periodo de cuatro años tras lograr la adjudicación recientemente.
La depuración se realiza mediante un proceso de fangos activados en oxidación prolongada con membranas de ultrafiltración (MBR) precedido por un pretratamiento compacto. Adicionalmente, como tratamiento terciario, parte del agua depurada se pasa por una instalación de electrodiálisis reversible (EDR) para reducir su salinidad. El proyecto incluye dos depósitos de agua tratada de 2.000 m³ de capacidad unitaria, uno para el agua regenerada a la salida del MBR y el segundo para almacenar agua regenerada-desalinizada a la salida del EDR.
Agua de uso agrícola
La depuradora, que actualmente trata algo menos de 5.000 m3/día, está diseñada para un caudal máximo de 7.000 m3/día y en obra civil hasta 9.500 m3/día. Hoy se trata el 100% del agua que llega y tiene capacidad de producción de 4.000 m3/día de agua regenerada para uso agrícola.
El agua obtenida en estas instalaciones, cuya calidad supera con creces los límites exigidos por la legislación para uso agrícola, es directamente enviada a la red y puesta a disposición de los agricultores de la Comarca Nordeste, logrando crear un agua a la carta para los diferentes tipos de cultivo de la zona.